Tuesday, September 16, 2008

School, School, School

School has officially begun to rev up. In a good way? We shall see. But who actually ever enjoys homework anyway? I am more excited for all the things going on outside school work: skating, CCS, practicum. And yet at the same time, I feel like I am missing the point of something. There is something that is just not "right" somewhere along the way. Perhaps it is just me.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Sigh, to be back on my own again. After a hectic summer of running after children (and at times staff), it is now back to the quiet chaos of school life. How I look forward to all of the hours of mindless homework, gearing up for those three weeks of meaningful classroom experience: the practicum. Terrified for tomorrow, I get to meet the two classes I will spend three weeks with in October. Grade 11 Biology, oh joy! Actually, that sounded harsher than I wanted it to. I am excitied, but nervous. Can I adequately teach an evolution class, knowing full well that it is not my favorite? I guess we will see.