Thursday, January 7, 2010

Semester #2 - OMG (plus Medicating Rant)

Jesus. Okay, probably shouldn't swear, but not sure how else to express all of these emotions. 4 classes would sound not so bad... I mean, there were 5 classes a semester throughout all of undergrad. But here apparently 4 course is like chaos! I am so overwhelmed at this point, and it is only week 1. I am not sure how I am going to get through all of this. And I am serious.

Okay, maybe not super serious, and perhaps this is all brought on by the fact that as I sit here and I write I am pissed off. I was really excited for abnormal, thinking maybe it might take me back to my bio roots. Wrong. I think it makes it especially hard because there are people in the class who disregard the medical model, but the way they talk sounds awfully naive to me. I had to sit in class tonight and listen to a girl (who I consider an almost-friend) bash doctors (which actually had no relation to what we were talking about at all) for almost 15 minutes. This all based on an experience she personally had. The funny part is that I had the EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE (same drug, everything) and an opposite experience. So this impassioned speech dissing both doctors and medicine for psychopathological diseases was completely biased, but when you tried to interject all you got was resentment and hostility. UGH. I understand that the medical profession has a lot of pitfalls and a lot of negative connotations associated with it. So does counseling people! One is not better than the other, and it all boils down to education. Education in my opinion for the patient. Ultimately, it is there choice. However, when someone (say a counselor) is so biased and prejudiced that they can't objectively help educate a "patient" on their options, isn't that just as unethical as what doctors sometimes do when they prescribe without educating?

Maybe I am prejudiced and don't believe that all problems can be solved by "talking". If you understand the human body, and the complexities associated with hormones and the functioning of the organs and systems based on the triggers associated with those hormones, I don't think that there is any possible way you could NOT be a proponent for medicating in certain instances. Agreed, it is over used and over done in a lot of cases, and given out when it is not needed. Be conservative, okay. I can understand that. But unless you understand the biochemistry and the work that goes into researching those medications, do not tell me that they are "not tested properly", etc etc. Bullshit. Yes there are dangers. Yes, your doctor should inform you of risks. He didn't? That sucks. But you cannot base your judgment of "medicating" based on your one single experience.

Okay, I feel a little better now. Still overwhelmed with all of this homework. Perhaps in my next blog I will list all of my assignments, give an understanding of the hell I am in for. Ugh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I see your point here. People let their own experiences cloud their judgement. It happens in everything, but I see it's dangers in the counselling world.
Medication doesn't always work for everyone, but neither does talking. Bodies are all different.
Look at the numerous different kinds of birth control pills they are. They all do the same thing, but one doesn't work for every person. Same with depression etc types of drugs.
I'm glad you blogged and got that out. Sometimes it's best to just let them be on their soapbox and ignore it.

Fire an email when you get stressed! Just a rant off to someone always helps :D